Muslim Chaplaincy

The Muslim Chaplain provides outreach and helps to organize the Muslim community, develops leadership groups, and collaboratively plans, develops, and implements high-quality spiritual life programs including weekly gatherings, holiday observances, retreats, service and social justice projects, and fellowship events.
The Muslim Chaplain is also available for pastoral care and leadership in invocations, memorial services, vigils, and other rituals as needed. The Muslim Chaplaincy works closely with other OSRL chaplains, staff, and students on interfaith initiatives and connects the campus with local, regional, and national opportunities and resources.
For more information please, contact religiouslife@emory.edu.
Muslim Chaplain: Ustadh Dr. Rahimjon Abdugafurov 20G
On Campus Muslim Communities
- Muslim Student Association - The Emory Muslim Student Association (MSA) is a religious, social, cultural and educational organization that facilitates the practice of Islam in the Emory Community. The MSA offers lectures on Islamic topics, interfaith dialogue programs, community service events, Friday prayers, and social activities. The MSA also conducts regular student discussions, Qur'anic studies, and bi-weekly meetings. Visit the Muslim Student Association webpage.
- Graduate Muslim Student Council - The Emory Graduate Muslim Student Council (GMSC) is an inter-school religious, educational, cultural and professional organization. The goal is to create a sense of community among Emory's graduate Muslim students, faculty, and staff and to create an environment in which that community is comfortable and able to conform to and practice Islam. We host monthly game nights, community iftars, and many more fun events for our community and we would love to have you join us. To contact the organization, please click here.
Alumni Community
Please contact religiouslife@emory.edu
Off Campus Muslim Communities
For a list of Muslim centers near Emory, please click here.
The Emory Muslim Service Award
The Emory Muslim Service Award was established in 1999 by the Emory Muslim Alumni through the support of dedicated Muslim alumni, the Office of Spriritual and Religious Life, and the Department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies. Learn more here. If you would like to donate to the Emory Muslim Service Award Fund, please click here.
Other Resources
Department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies
Emory Muslim Life Fund
To support this community, please give to the appropriate fund here: https://together.emory.edu/give/to/general-university/office-spiritual-and-religious-life.”