Emory Muslim Service Award

The Emory Muslim Service Award was established in 1999 by the Emory Muslim Alumni through the support of dedicated Muslim alumni, the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life, and the Department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies.
From 1999 to 2012, the award was administered as the Haider Shamsi Award for Islamic Studies as a legacy to highlight the example set by Dr. Haider Shamsi, a dedicated servant to the American Muslim community and an advocate of Islam and Islamic education.
In 2012, this award was renamed by the Emory Muslim Alumni and the endowment relocated to and anchored in the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life. As a result of this change, the prize is now open to all Emory University students who share Islam's commitment to community service.
The Emory Muslim Service Award seeks to advance and highlight the Islamic value of serving the community. The Emory Muslim Service Award is an annual recognition to support a student who displays outstanding social contributions through service to the community.
For more information about the award, please contact the Dean of Religious Life at religiouslife@emory.edu.
If you would like to donate to the Emory Muslim Service Award Fund, please click here.