Religious Life Affiliates

In addition to OSRL's staff chaplains, the Dean of Religious Life authorizes a limited number of local religious organizations to present Religious Life Affiliates (RLAs) to work with the campus and support OSRL's work with Jewish and Christian communities.
Religious Life Affiliates support members of their denominations on campus and work collaboratively with OSRL to extend ecumenical and interfaith engagement. The Dean of Religious Life meets with Religious Life Affiliates at least monthly to provide guidance and support and to foster mutual learning, understanding, and engagement.
These meetings involve updates from the university, ongoing professional education and development, and opportunities for RLAs to share knowledge, ask questions, and build community. They also provide a channel for the RLAs to offer input into OSRL initiatives and to connect with each other for occasional programming.
Approximately fifteen (15) affiliated organizations are authorized to support Jewish and Christian denominations on campus. These organizations commit to respect the religiously diverse character of the campus community and to promote interfaith cooperation.
Several of these affiliated organizations have established centers near campus (their addresses are listed below), and others may hold programs in Cannon Chapel and Emory's campus life spaces. They can be contacted through the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life in Cannon Chapel, Room 316.
Affiliated Organizations
1227 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30307
1753 North Decatur Road
Atlanta, GA 30307
1500 N. Decatur Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30307
1660 North Decatur Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30307
182 5th Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30313
735 Gatewood Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30322