Hindu Chaplaincy

hindu chaplain

The Hindu Chaplaincy, led by the Hindu Chaplain, works closely with alumni, faculty, staff, and students to support the Hindu community at Emory through a progressive and pluralistic approach.

The Hindu Chaplain provides outreach and helps to organize the Hindu community, develops leadership groups, and collaboratively plans, develops, and implements high-quality spiritual life programs including weekly gatherings, holiday observances, retreats, service and social justice projects, and fellowship events.

The Hindu Chaplain is also available for pastoral care and leadership in invocations, memorial services, vigils, and other rituals as needed. The Hindu Chaplaincy works closely with other OSRL chaplains, staff, and students on interfaith initiatives and connects the campus with local, regional, and national opportunities and resources. For more information please, contact religiouslife@emory.edu.

Hindu Chaplain: TBD

On Campus Hindu Communities

Alumni Community

Please contact religiouslife@emory.edu.

Off Campus Hindu Communities

For a list of local Hindu centers near Emory, please click here.

Other Resources

Department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies

Emory Hindu Life Fund

To support this community, please give to the appropriate fund here: https://together.emory.edu/give/to/general-university/office-spiritual-and-religious-life.