Undergraduate Spiritual Communities
Undergraduate Spiritual Communities Student Leaders and Websites Academic Year 2024-25

Adventist Christian Fellowship is a ministry of the SDA church to students on secular campuses in the U.S. and abroad. EACF strives to engage students, faculty, and friends through activities and conversations to facilitate fellowship and foster the love of Christ throughout the Emory community. All are welcome.

Beloved Community gathers each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Eastern in Cannon Chapel during the academic year. Worship is ecumenical and planned especially for the campus setting, providing a variety of worship experiences for the Emory community. Preachers include Emory chaplains, Emory faculty, and distinguished guests from the U.S. and abroad.
The Hub page
Bread Coffeehouse is a place unlike any other on campus...a place where good coffee flows freely, yummy treats are served daily, where residents and staff know your name, where you will be treated with love no matter what you believe, a place that never pushes Jesus on you but a place where the staff believes in serving Jesus by serving you and loving you. We have live bands, great dinners, quiet study times, deep conversations, great story tellers and people who will listen to you. And, we are a lot of fun! Come play ping pong or a board game, write quotes on the wall, swing in our indoor hammock, decorate a book page, play with our play dough or dance in the kitchen. Check our website for hours and events.
For more information, please contact

Collegiate Black Christians is a black campus ministry of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. Our mission is to invite and challenge students to grow in their relationship with God and each other.

Since 1967, Catholic students have gathered at the University Catholic Center to form lasting friendships and find numerous ways to draw closer to Jesus through their faith. We are blessed to have an outstanding Catholic student community, propelled forward by the inspiration, ideas, interests, gifts, and talents of new students year after year.
University Catholic Center - Sunday Mass (9:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel), retreats, Scripture reflection groups, community service projects, social events, and educational programs provide an exciting environment for inquiry, discovery, and growth. This group emphasizes student initiative and leadership formation.
For more information, please contact emorycsu@gmail.com

Chabad is dedicated to the cultural, educational, and social needs of the Jewish student body at Emory.
Chabad at Emory offers opportunities to pray, Shabbat meals, classes and events for Jewish students.
Click here to Visit Chabad at Emory
For more information, please contact info@chabademory.org

The Emory Buddhist Club is affiliated with Emory University's Office of Spiritual and Religious Life, whose mission is to provide varied and rich opportunities to enhance religious and spiritual life through prayer, worship, service, education and outreach. All on-campus Buddhist Club events are free and open to the public.
Core Values:
- Club events are free and open to everyone.
- We provide access to teachers from a variety of Buddhist traditions.
- We provide an opportunity, for those interested, to learn traditional Buddhist practices.
The Emory Buddhist Club is a student-led effort. Our primary mission is to provide a free, weekly, on-campus opportunity for anyone with any interest in Buddhism to meet, practice, and learn with senior Buddhist teachers from the Atlanta area. When the university is in session, we meet every Thursday, at 6 p.m. These weekly meetings are on Emory's main campus, in Atlanta, Georgia, in Cannon Chapel, room 106. They are always free and open to the public. We also coordinate periodic field trips to nearby Buddhist communities and centers. We welcome anyone, regardless of experience, point of view, or focus. For additional information, please contact us at emorybuddhistclub@gmail.com. If you would like to receive news about upcoming events by e-mail, please subscribe to our events mailing list.
Information and calendar at: BuddhistClub.org.
Contact: emorybuddhistclub@gmail.com

Emory Christian Fellowship is a multi-ethnic, interdenominational Christian community on campus where students can connect across society's barriers: racial/ethnic, socioeconomic, class year, and church background, among others. We are open to ALL students, so whether or not you have any previous experience with Christianity, we invite you to join us as we learn about Jesus together, host Small Group Bible studies, meet up for Large Group worship gatherings, hang out just for fun, and much more!
Global Medical Missions Alliance (GMMA) members are Christian Healthcare Professionals striving to TEACH and CARE for the well-being of the WHOLE PERSON in Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Meaning “the way” in Latin, In Via is a journal of Christian thought at Emory University. Through the publication of creative and intellectual expressions inspired by the gospel, we hope to contribute a clear, relevant, and compassionate Christian worldview to campus conversations.
For more information, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu.

The Atlanta D3 team is a subset of the Atlanta Collegiate Team. We serve three NCAA Dlll college and universities as well as one Dll university. At Agnes Scott College, Clayton State University, Emory University and Oglethorpe University our team serves these campuses through one on one, small group, team and weekly huddle meetings; athletes and coaches receive character development, team bonding, mentorship and like-minded discipleship. Our vision is to "make disciples who make disciples" and for athletes and coaches to have a "growing relationship of their own with Jesus Christ."
The Emory Wesley Fellowship is a community of disciples growing together in love of God and love of neighbor. In seeking to educate both the heart and the mind, the United Methodist Campus Ministry invites students to come together for worship, fellowship, prayer and service. Spiritual formation, leadership development, social activities, retreats, Bible studies and service projects are also important parts of our community. Wesley Fellowship is open to all students.
For more information, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu.
Global Medical Missions Alliance (GMMA) members are Christian Healthcare Professionals striving to TEACH and CARE for the well-being of the WHOLE PERSON in Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Grace House is a radically welcoming and inclusive community advocacy ministry that inspires, equips, and engages our campus by modeling Jesus’ love, service, and compassion. Grace [Coffee] House is a joint ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta and the Southeastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). We proudly serve the Georgia Tech community in Atlanta, Georgia.

Emory Hillel is the focal point for more than 2,000 Jewish undergraduate and graduate Emory students. Our mission is to enrich the lives of these individuals so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world. Our primary goal is to significantly increase the number of Jewish students who have meaningful Jewish experiences at Emory. This includes but isn't limited to Jewish holidays and rituals, social programs, leadership, education, Tikkun Olam, and Israel programs and travel.

The Hindu Students Association (HSA) is an organization dedicated to providing a platform for Hindu students to have a place and peers to practice with, as well as an avenue for other members of the Emory community to learn about the diverse religion. We frequently hold general body discussions in Cannon Chapel, host large events throughout the year (i.e., Garba, Diwali, and inter-religious discussions), invite Hindu priests from the greater Atlanta community to lead pujas for various festivals throughout the year (i.e., Navratri and Shivratri), and provide temple trips for students to visit local Hindu Atlanta temples. Our General Body Meetings are held on Fridays at 5 p.m. in Canon Chapel. Feel free to contact us at hsaemory@gmail.com.
For more information, please contact hsaemory@gmail.com

Holistic Hub (formerly known as Good Vibe Tribe) is a community organization that brings compassion and wellness to Emory's campus and beyond. We come together and share holistic wellness techniques like meditation, mindfulness, movement, music, and more to help students cultivate growth, happiness, and relaxation. We also spread compassion off campus through various community partnerships and engagement programs. Our Instagram account with over 1,600 followers and GroupMe with over 400 members serve to spread positivity to Emory's campus and beyond.
JSA is a religious club to promote the Jain spiritual, religious, and cultural heritage. JSA seeks bring understanding and awareness about Jainism amongst the diverse Emory student body through general body meetings, events, and other activities.
Journey Christian Fellowship is an organization that serves non-believers and Christians, as well as individuals who identify with other religions, supporting them in the exploration of their faith by hosting services and Bible study groups. The organization also seeks to cultivate a community of faith and build fellowship both within Emory College as well as other colleges and universities in the state of Georgia.
Latino Fellowship (LaFe) is a place where Latinos can grow and explore their faith, become a close-knit community, and be their authentic selves. There is a growing population of Latino students at Emory, and there is no organization that currently exists that caters to Latinos by providing them with a space to grow in their Christian faith. Religion plays a huge role in the Latino community, defining our identity and culture. Having a space where Latinos at Emory can be connected with that part of their culture and identity is essential and beneficial. LaFe provides that space and allows students to see themselves represented on this campus and connect to a community of fellow Latinos with whom they can relate.

Our purpose is to promote a Jewish awareness at the Emory University through guided trips, activities, and learning opportunities. We create an educational leadership building program, organize home hospitality for shabbat meals and holidays, promote trips abroad to Israel and other places, and host social gatherings on and off campus.
Click here to visit Meor at Emory
For more information, please contact info@meoremory.org

The Muslim Students Association is a religious, educational, social, and cultural organization. The goals of MSA are to educate both Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam and the religious, social, academic, and cultural aspects of Islam. In addition, the Muslim Students Association aims to create an environment in which Muslim students, faculty, and staff are comfortable and are able to practice Islam.

Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) of Emory University hopes to transform the lives of college students by guiding them along the path to Jesus Christ through His Church, cultivating a campus community of worship, witness, service, fellowship, and education. OCF aims to actualize the Orthodox Christian life in the hearts, minds, and souls of college students, acting as an integral component of students’ spiritual formation. In challenging students to explore their faith, OCF presents the loving presence of Christ and the Orthodox Christian Church, inspiring students to commit to living an Orthodox Christian way of life.

The campus ministry of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) Reformed University Fellowship, meets Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. for teaching and fellowship. We also offer weekly small group Bible studies and occasional seminars, socials, and retreats. Our activities are open to all interested students. For more information, please contact Campus Minister Laura Sharrett at laura.sharrett@ruf.org or call 434-238-8873.
Sikh Student Association consists of a group of students who come together to celebrate and spread awareness about the Sikh religion and culture. Our team works hard to put together as many fun and educational events as possible throughout the year.

Emory is a spiritual community dedicated to providing a welcoming, open, and affirming space to enjoy authentic discussions about theology and faith. Welcoming is an art form in its own right, and UKirk strives to create an environment of comfort and openness, while balancing these values with spiritual growth and the challenging questions that accompany it. UKirk is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church (USA) but students of all (or no) faith tradition are invited.
Website: www.ukirkatlanta.com
For more information, please contact emory@ukirkatlanta.com

Voices of Inner Strength, Emory's Christ-centered and dynamic gospel choir, welcomes all who desire to praise the Lord with song, minister with His word, and lead souls to Christ. Also, the VOIS Choir sings in Churches around the Atlanta area as well as performs acts of community service. The Choir invites enthusiastic singers who want to join in their music ministry.