Christian Chaplaincy

The Christian Chaplaincy, led by the Christian Chaplain, works closely with Emory's Christian Religious Life Affiliates, alumni, faculty, staff, and students to support the Christian communities at Emory through a progressive and pluralistic approach, with special attention to supporting Emory's Methodist heritage through worship, education, retreats, and service.
The Christian Chaplain provides outreach and helps to organize the Christian communities, develops leadership groups, and collaboratively plans, develops, and implements high-quality spiritual life programs including weekly gatherings, holiday observances, retreats, service and social justice projects, and fellowship events.
The Christian Chaplain is also available for pastoral care and leadership in invocations, weddings, memorial services, vigils, and other rituals as needed. The Christian Chaplaincy works closely with other OSRL chaplains, staff, and students on interfaith initiatives and connects the campus with local, regional, and national opportunities and resources.

Mr. Maury Allums is the Director of Music and the Director of the Voices of Inner Strength Gospel Choir in Emory OSRL. In this role, he performs and arranges music for Beloved Community Worship, Midweek Musical Meditation, Baccalaureate, and other programs of OSRL, as well as leading the Voices of Inner Strength Gospel Choir (VOIS). VOIS began in 1985 at a concert with The Rev. CT Vivian, and it has been an important space sharing music of the Black Christian tradition as well as promoting an inclusive and justice-seeking community at Emory. VOIS ordinarily sings in Beloved Community Worship on the fourth Sunday of each month and offers two concerts per year, and all students are encouraged to connect with Mr. Allums and the VOIS community.
For more information please email
Christian Chaplain: The Rev. Maddie Henderson Herlong
Music Director and Director of the Voices of Inner Strength Gospel Choir: Maury Allums
OSRL Christian Programs
On Campus Christian Communities
List of on campus Christian communities
Alumni Community
Please contact
Off Campus Christian Communities
List of local Christian centers near Emory.
Other Resources
Emory Christian Life Fund
To support this community, please give to the appropriate fund here: