WISE Interfaith Pre-orientation
WISE registration is open now for 2024.
Welcoming Interfaith and Spiritual Exploration (WISE):
Interfaith Pre-Orientation Program
August 2025
Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life (OSRL) and student leaders are excited to offer an interfaith pre-orientation program for incoming Atlanta-campus first-year students for August 18-22, 2025.
During the Emory Interfaith Pre-Orientation Program, incoming undergraduate students will engage in a five-day interfaith experience designed to ease the transition to college while also providing an opportunity to explore Atlanta, build spiritual and philosophical literacy and interfaith leadership skills, and connect with new friends as you settle into your new home at Emory. The program will provide participants with an introduction to interfaith life at Emory and in Atlanta.
We welcome first-year students from diverse religious, non-religious, spiritual, and ethical identities. All are welcome. This year all expenses are paid by Emory OSRL.
To register: Registration opens May 2025. Undergraduate students will then be notified whether they have been admitted. Please note that this program is currently only available for Atlanta-campus incoming undergraduate students. Space is limited, so register soon. Students may be placed on a waiting list once capacity is reached. Please do not book travel arrangements until you receive a WISE admission email. For general questions regarding WISE, please contact Program Coordinator Liz Martin at elizabeth.ann.martin@emory.edu.
Learn about all of Emory's pre-orientation programs here.
Program Goals
During the programs, first-year students will:
- Explore Atlanta and the Emory campus through visits to vibrant religious and philosophical communities and service and social justice organizations
- Grow your religious and philosophical literacy skills by experiencing different spiritual practices and meeting leaders from different backgrounds
- Build leadership skills through workshops and small-group discussion
- Connect with other first-year students and peer leaders and build long-lasting friendships
- Enjoy fun activities such as outdoor barbeques, campus scavenger hunts, and more!
Peer Mentor Position 2025
- Explore Atlanta and the Emory campus through visits to vibrant religious and philosophical communities and service and social justice organizations
- Grow your religious and philosophical literacy skills by experiencing different spiritual practices and meeting leaders from different backgrounds
- Build leadership skills through workshops and small-group discussion
- Connect with other students and build long-lasting friendships
- Enjoy fun activities such as outdoor barbeques, campus scavenger hunts, and more!
The position reports to the OSRL Program Coordinator and works closely with the OSRL staff. It is an opportunity to gain valuable leadership skills and meet other students with similar interests.
Apply and view the 2025 position description here. Deadline is February 9, 2025.
August 2025 program dates:
- Peer Mentor Training: Thursday, August 14 - Sunday, August 17
- New Student Move-in: Monday, August 18
- WISE Program: Monday, August 18 - Friday, August 22
- Orientation begins: Saturday, August 23
Contact the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life
Email us: religiouslife@emory.edu
Give us a ring: 404.727.6226
Visit us:
Office of Spiritual and Religious Life
Emory Interfaith Center, 1707 N. Decatur Road, Atlanta, GA 30307
Cannon Chapel, Suite 316, 515 Kilgo Circle, Atlanta, GA 30322