Faith in the Vaccine Project
Summer-Fall 2021
The Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life (OSRL) has partnered with Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) to offer a Faith in the Vaccine Project to empower Emory undergraduate and graduate students to work with local faith communities to help expand COVID-19 vaccine trust, education, and access.
At the start of summer 2021, undergraduate and graduate students were invited to submit proposals of ways that they could work with local faith communities to help extend the COVID-19 vaccine, especially with underrepresented communities.Students developed projects that involved community outreach, meetings, presentations, translations, printed and online material, as well as “shots in arm" vaccine clinics working with Emory Healthcare.
A number of these clinics took place at sites where people may have difficulty otherwise accessing the vaccine. The student ambassadors and their projects are listed on this page. This project will continue through at least Fall 2021. The coordinator of the project is Dean of Religious Life Dr. Greg McGonigle. For more information, please email