Graduate Interfaith Council

The Graduate Interfaith Council is a community of Emory graduate students united in the project of integrating spiritual and religious inquiry with the demands of contemporary life. One of the primary convictions of the council is that spiritual and religious life is not peripheral to one's daily activities and concerns; it is rather a living foundation that guides the ways in which we interpret and act in the world. As such, the cultivation of spiritual and religious life is not only a solitary or insulated affair, but also a powerful source of change, encouragement, and support for a world in need of creative and collaborative solutions to pressing problems.
Inspired by Emory's commitment to diversity, as well as the challenges and opportunities offered by increasing globalization, the Graduate Interfaith Council seeks to build a cohort of reflective individuals skilled in the art of conversing across difference. We therefore welcome those who are committed to a particular religious path, those who identify as spiritual but not religious, and those who are simply curious about the varieties of spiritual life. We are all beginners on our distinct spiritual journeys, and it is the hope of the council to cultivate through friendship a space to share the challenges and insights which we have gleaned from these journeys. Aspects of the meetings include group conversations around various themes, the sharing of spiritual practices with one another, and working to discover how different traditions can uniquely contribute to the myriad issues facing our respective communities and cultures.
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